Thursday, January 31, 2008

Why I don't Review Books

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See there is a very classic reason why this blog will usually and by usually, I mean never will venture into the world of "book reviews." This territory is not only muddled with weird techno books that no one really could poke a care about but is riddled with nonsense that the average Joe has no need for in our contemporary society. Here is a good reason why (Borrowed from Amazon):

"Unbuckle your seatbelt for this, the first-ever manual of sex positions for in-car entertainment! Fully illustrated and packed with helpful, practical, model-specific advice, this glove-compartment-sized guide contains everything readers need to rev up their sex drive!"

Sorry, but this book is completely awesome and should be read by all. Shenanigans of this sort in a car are complicated...glad someone picked up the slack and made a book to help us out. Plus...and a big PLUS I might add, "glove-compartment-sized."

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Teh Like Minded Dell

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Does anyone ever get that sneaky suspicion that perhaps the good ole folks over at dell really have no clue what is going on.

Example: Yesterday a decision was made in my mind that perhaps if I locked myself into an all linux environment on my desktop it would drive me to be more productive overall during the course of the day. So like any good it dude, I booted it into my favorite linux distro and headed strait for the partition manager. Doing this plenty of time I flipped a couple of switches and presto a partition for swap and an ext3 partition for the OS. Well about 8 or so seconds in boom...nothing, so I decide to boot into the partition editor aptly named Gparted and do it directly...nothing. We shall see how today fairs....

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Time Off

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Get some, I am back but keep it real. Nothing to report, keep it up.
