Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tis Been A Long Time Since High School...

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As we all can see here there seems to be a some high fives going on in this small...Catholic, hmm...New England town. This is a small blue collar town relying heavily on the fishing trade which, as of late has been passed off to the "little industrial folk who could": the Koreans. Time feels this is the only underlying factor that is leading to the race to getting pregnant, which again is a very odd proposal. However, a small public school passing out 150 or more pregnancy tests in a year is ridiculous. What are the parents doing to educate their children these days? To put it as a magician named Gob might say: "I mean COME oN!."

If you read on the children seem to be enthralled that their little bundle of smell will give them "unconditional love." To preface, geeks are horrible at picking up women...we really are. If you all listen to GFW radio, a member of the brodio comment on their escapades in asking out someone who they find "attractive" working at a local Gamestop. If you don't listen to the podcast, pick it up at Zune Marketplace, Itunes, or and listen to the first 10 or so minutes. Backing on track, find someone who is maybe...around your age that will give you some unconditional love. They are far between but take the time to talk to people, get to know them. Men can be pigs..I actually know we can be, but a lot of us are cool and will love you much more then a kid puking and crying at you early in the morning. However, men can't fetch you the kind of money a kid will on the open black market. Yep, peace.

Props to LoneStar times on the pic below. Oh and when I checked the image out it said "pregnant middle school teens!" Two words: WTF mate?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Spore good Time

Twit This! | 0 comments | some of us know, the game that is going to bring us all to our knees from our favorite developer Mr. Wright is just on the horizon. Of course, if you can't understand my jargon or you have been under your anti video game rock for the past year you won't know I am talking about Spore. The creature creator comes out tomorrow but the demo of it has been out on the net for a couple of days. Even though they DO mean demo (almost all of the features are locked) there is an ample amount of fun in it. Moreover, for 10 dollars I can see it a much more interesting and creative way to spend your time over WOW. A video of why it would be cool to have kids ONLY if they had large pincers for a mouth, an eye on their stomach, and no arms after the jump.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Your Morning Load

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As we all know I love cars...everything about them. So the thought of a paper made v12 engine AND the new season of Top Gear? Aww....aww...I gotta go hang out in my bathroom for a while.

Monday, June 9, 2008

No daylight = sex?

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Huh, well maybe it is my upbringing or just my parents grounding me at a young age on the subject but putting constant night with awkward amounts of sex just does not match with me. Wouldn't people sleep or at best drink themselves into oblivion (maybe this leads to all that sex)? However, as always Reuters has an amazing article that talks about 16,500 condoms being air lifted into the McMurdo base in Antarctica. Now these are for ruffly 165 people for 2 if we do some math..yep, that equals: 85 people...ruffly because 165 divided by 2 since it usually takes that many people to actually have sex. Then we divide that number by the condoms getting 201. With only 30 days in a month that would mean that to use them up everyone would need to be having sex more then 3 times a day. Frankly this number is disturbing and maybe, just maybe I regret even blogging / thinking about this.

3G Iphone

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Hello...we knew it and it is now here loud and clear....if not a little late. I am sure most of us do not have a job that requires absolutely no commitment of time (no need to ask) but if you want a quick update...which would mean you would actually read this (scoff!!) then welcome the new Iphone and all its "ahge." Anyway there is little I know besides it being available on July 11th, it DOES NOT have a 5 megapixel camera (kept the old 2 megapixel), 3g connectivity, a whole lot of GPS sexiness, and a beautiful price structure starting at 199(black 8g) and 299(white or black 16g). The best part is that the looks are the sleekiness of this:
One phrase never mentioned by this man: "Awesome apple!"..oh yeah and "I can't wait to get one." Now just to find away out of the uselessness that is Nextel.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The EEE Revolution

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We all know and those who have actually had the brains to touch one, love the Eee pc released earlier this year by the folks over at Asus. However, when they first announced this thing they had a myriad of products that were going to follow suit. Basically a pimptastic line of Linux based hardware that was going to make life easy...and quite frankly much easier for some folks out there. If you move your browser here...but wait!...

Good, you will see the Asus Eee Tv which would be great. Complete integration into your television for a Linux distro...hello wireless keyboard / mouse combo + a full functioning television. Sure this fails to tempt the geeks who modded their orginial xboxes but what of the rest of the...dare I say, normal world? This is a pimptastic step towards people feeling out linux and one that I completely will be on board for.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

3g Iphonery

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We all know that WWDC or World Wide Developers Conference is all set to bring good ole Stevey in to wow / flood the world with all that is apple-"ness." One of the largest announcements will undoubtedly be that of the new, 3g capable iphone. In addition, all of us would like to see a redesign for the MBP and MB but I don't know if that is evident this early in the montevina life cycle (however, if they do they will have another customer). Montevina + a new Iphone + a free 8 gig Ipod touch for the purchase of any apple notebook equals a whole lot of sexyness on tap for the comming year.

Sure Montevina may look like a breath of fresh air into the centrino line but don't be fooled by others. It, combined with hopefully (not confirmed) the new Iphone as a modem will equal one hell of a sexy notebook that will be constantly connected to the web. Hopefully, all of these will line up for the following year along with the money to actually afford it all. Once all of it is released and aquired you all will be the very first to know how much it pawns or falls flat. Hmmm...sexyness.
