Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Little Bird Once Said...

Twit This! | |

How amazingly cool and phenomenally addicting Twitter can be. If you truly have no idea what Twitter is stop on by their homepage here and try them out. For all the rest of us lets take a second of silence to bask in what makes twitter such an amazing channel for thoughts, marketing, fun, and updates........aight. TwitThis is a great new Twitter service that allows you to link through to your twitter or others about what you are doing right now. In this case if you take a chunk of moment out of your day and look at the upper left hand corner of each post there is a new button that reads 'twitthis'. This opens up a whole new world for you all to twit about a post I wrote, that you are reading. This post might inspire you enough or probably just disgust you into twittering to your tribe about how awesomly atrocious of a writer I am. I want all you trolls out there to give it a whirl, especially since you do not need to have anything besides a twitter account.

On an even huger twitter moment, it looks like 2008 was a complete blast for them. They apparently grew a wooping 752 percent. That is a truly astounding number for any startup in which all kinds of cool graphs and numbers can be seen here at Mashable. Alright all, have a great weekend and we will see you tomorrow!

